Self improvement is the way to hell. All efforts to make something out of yourself-something of an ideal-are going to create more and more madness. Ideals are the base of all madness, and all of humanity is neurotic because of too many ideals. Animals are not neurotic because they don't have any ideals. Trees are not neurotic because they don't have any ideals. They are not trying to become somebody else. They are simply enjoying what ever they are.
You are you. But somewhere deep down you want to become a Buddha or Jesus, and then you go around in a circle that will be unending. Just see the point if it-you are you. And the whole, or existence, wants you to be you. That’s why existence has created you, otherwise it would have created a different model. It wanted you to be here at this moment. It did not want Jesus to be here in place of you. And existence knows better. The whole always knows better than the part. So just accept yourself. If you can accept yourself, you have learned the greatest secret of life, and then everything comes on its own.
Just be yourself. There is no need to pull yourself up; there is no need to be a different height from what you are already. There is no need to have another face. Simply be as you are, and in deep acceptance of it, and a flowering will happen and you will go on becoming more and more yourself. Once you drop the idea of becoming somebody, there is no tension. Suddenly all tension disappears. You are here luminous, in this moment. And there is nothing else to do but to celebrate and enjoy.
Everyday OSHO.
Number 44.
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